In the realm of comfort food, few dishes can surpass the wholesome allure of a good pot pie. Warm, aromatic, and bursting with flavor, a chicken pot pie is a timeless favorite that evokes feelings of home and heart. But what if you could heighten that experience with the convenience and flakiness of a Bisquick crust? Welcome to the world of Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie, a delightful twist on a classic recipe that is as easy to love as it is to make.

Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie

If you're a food aficionado searching for the perfect pot pie recipe, this blog post is your personal recipe book. From crust to filling, we'll guide you through creating this savory masterpiece, along with tips for customizing it to your heart's content. If you've been curious about this culinary gem or simply looking to breathe new life into your pot pie game, read on.

The Perfect Bisquick Mix

Bisquick is more than a baking mix; it's an iconic ingredient that's been a staple in American kitchens since its invention in the 1930s. Known for its versatility, Bisquick is the secret behind many family favorites, making everything from pancakes and waffles to biscuits and cobblers a breeze to create. Its convenience stems from the fact that it's a pre-mixed combination of flour, shortening, salt, and baking powder, meaning the hard work of getting the texture just right is already done for you.

For a Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie, the mix shines in creating a golden, flaky crust that perfectly complements the rich and creamy filling. The key is to use Bisquick in such a way that the crust remains tender and doesn't overpower the flavors within.

Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie Recipe


For the filling:

  • 2 cups cooked chicken, diced
  • 1 can (10.5 oz) cream of chicken soup
  • 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

For the Bisquick crust:

  • 1 cup Bisquick mix
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley (optional, for color)
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. In a bowl, combine the cooked chicken, cream of chicken soup, mixed vegetables, milk, thyme, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Mix well and set aside.
  3. In another bowl, mix the Bisquick, milk, and egg until smooth.
  4. Pour the chicken mixture into a greased 9-inch pie plate.
  5. Pour the Bisquick mix over the chicken mixture, spreading it to the edges to seal.
  6. Bake for 30 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling.
  7. Remove from the oven and brush the crust with melted butter (and sprinkle with dried parsley if using).
  8. Rest the pot pie for 10 minutes before serving to allow the filling to set.

Tips for a Flaky Crust and Savory Filling

For the perfect crust:

  • Use ice-cold ingredients to keep the fat in the Bisquick mix solid and ensure a flaky texture.
  • Do not overwork the dough. Kneading it too much can cause the gluten to develop, resulting in a tougher crust.
  • If time allows, refrigerate the crust for 30 minutes before rolling it out. This step is optional but can enhance the flakiness.

For a delicious filling:

  • Season your filling well. The flavors should be robust to stand up to the crust and creamy enough to provide that signature pot pie texture.
  • Don't skimp on the filling-to-crust ratio. A good pot pie should have a high ratio of filling to crust, ensuring that every bite is satisfying.

Variations and Additions

No two foodies are alike, and the beauty of pot pie lies in its adaptability. Here are some ideas for giving your Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie a unique twist:

Customization Ideas:

  • Add a dash of hot sauce or a sprinkle of cayenne pepper for a spicy kick.
  • Incorporate different herbs like rosemary or sage for a seasonal touch.
  • Mix in a handful of grated cheese into the Bisquick crust for an extra layer of flavor.

Dietary Modifications:

  • Create a vegetarian version by swapping the chicken for extra vegetables or plant-based meat alternatives and using cream of mushroom soup.
  • For a gluten-free option, use a gluten-free baking mix in place of Bisquick.

Healthier Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie

If you're health-conscious but don't want to sacrifice flavor, there are ways to lighten up your Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie without compromising its essence:

Lighter Ingredients:

  • Use low-fat milk or unsweetened almond milk to decrease the fat content in the crust and filling.
  • Substitute the cream of chicken soup with a homemade roux thickened with flour and broth for a more wholesome alternative.
  • Increase the vegetable-to-meat ratio in your filling for a nutrient-packed pot pie.

Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie for Every Season

Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie is a year-round delight, but different seasons call for variations in ingredients. Here's how to tweak your recipe to match the time of year:

Seasonal Suggestions:

  • In the spring, use fresh peas and asparagus in your filling for a burst of seasonal flavor.
  • Summer calls for sweet corn and bell peppers alongside the succulent chicken in a pot pie that is as vibrant as it is tasty.
  • Fall and winter are perfect for root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, and a touch of warming nutmeg to the filling.

Community Favorites

Sharing is caring, and in the foodie community, sharing your favorite recipe twists is practically an art form. We encourage you to share your Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie experiences, variations, and drool-worthy photos with the online foodie community. Who knows? Your unique take on this classic dish might inspire someone else's dinner tonight.

Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie is a savory symphony that never fails to please. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a culinary novice, this recipe is a must-try. We encourage you to make it your own, experiment with flavors and enjoy this time-tested comfort food with a Bisquick twist.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and bake some delicious comfort? Share your chicken pot pie creation with us, and stay tuned for our upcoming posts on more culinary delights that are sure to tantalize your taste buds!

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